Moyee Coffee – Creating radical impact

How do we define the ‘fair’ in fair trade? What if coffee beans leave a country without any added value? These are some basic questions that the real coffee lovers at Moyee Coffee considered. This brand is working on the creation of serious impact by developing their FairChain initiative. With this initiative Moyee wants to make sure that value-adding activities are happening within the country of origin, so that this positively impacts the local economy. How do they give shape to their activities and impact? Get energized and inspired by the ideas of these impact creators…
Making coffee really fair
Even though ‘fair coffee’ is on the rise: the coffee chain is not balanced at all. Moyee is showing consumers in the West that still a lot can be done. They do this by introducing a ‘new fair’ and starting to recover the market with it.
The coffee producing countries receive little for their products. Not more than 15% of what you and I pay for a bag of beans in the store down the street. The bitter side of this is that these producing countries are developing countries most of the time, dependent on development aid, while the biggest coffee consumers in the West profit most…
With FairChain, we don’t want to export and remove all added value from the original countries, but share it with local economies!
Optimize your impact locally
Moyee Coffee’s FairChain is a 50/50 enterprise with local entrepreneurs. With Ahadu Woubshet they have started a roasting facility in the capital of Ethiopia, now employing 25 local employees. These revolutionaries roast the coffee, pack them in a coffee pouch and transport coffee beans to Europe. By selling the final coffee bags, Ethiopia earns 3 times as much then just selling the raw product. A simple shift within the coffee chain that improves the lives of millions and creates a huge, positive impact.
Due to our FairChain trade idea, local entrepreneurs receive a significantly bigger part of the cake.
Freshly brewed business
With their activities, Moyee is making an innovative and fresh start within the coffee business. With their innovative value framework, they’re already up and running, so their next challenge is making FairChain available within every quality segment. They can and will create another perfect price-quality match, by working out this value chain idea and set up smart logistics. Including the FairChain impact of course.
The brand new company is already attracting many consumers that value sustainable and conscious consumption. The FairChain revolution created many ambassadors on the one hand. On the other, the real ‘coffee geeks’ that love specialty beans from Ethiopia are becoming fan of this impact creator too.
Time for a new status quo
Besides brewing the best quality coffee, Moyee aims at creating a new status quo out of FairChain. Returns on coffee trade should be equally distributed between the producing and the consuming countries. For this, they’d like to expand their brand in Europe first, by selling 750.000 kg FairChain coffee in the coming years and making impact with every kilo!
Moyee focuses on three areas to realize this goal. Firstly, they want to grow their economic impact by growing their business in Ethiopia and by expanding to Colombia or Kenya and many more countries after. Second, social impact is created through direct trade with small-holder farmers, which get paid 20% premium. Also, Moyee is starting up a training project about business practices and crop management to generate better income for these farmers out of coffee production. Lastly, Moyee aspires to reduce the negative environmental footprint of the chain. For deforestation is a big problem and cultivation of coffee beans plays a big part in this issue, which we will see ending in Moyee’s coffee region.
Start your own revolution!
The fair coffee brand wants to inspire other entrepreneurs, by encouraging them to start – or be part of – a revolution to create a positive impact.
Don’t wait for big companies to tilt in a sustainable direction, but create your own revolution by getting started and working bottom-up.
Start improving the world with your own, creative ideas. Don’t wait for others to make a change. If you are devoted to making a change, everything can happen. At Rainbow Collection we agree with these coffee lovers that creating impact should be integrated in your core activities and, if this is possible and fits your identity, in your business model. Take a moment to think about the long-term and scalable impact you could make and just get started! Starting your own initiatives from scratch can create more impact in the end then waiting for the big players to make a change.
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