Positive Impact Creators take the lead
Inspiring stories from commercial and social brands about their roadmap towards growing a meaningful brand.
The world is a dynamic place in which we see a shift from materialistic to human value. An increasing amount of brands explore the opportunities this development has to offer and are willing to make a positive contribution to the world. If you look at the results, this isn’t surprising at all: meaningful brands realize more shares, recommendations, likeability and sales. Consumers want to use and buy brands that are in line with their overall values.
Social brand movement
With all the political instabilities in the world, more brands decided to take a stand and dedicate their branding activities to address social causes: from supermarkets to telecom companies. Today’s consumer brands are realizing more and more that they can no longer deny their impact on society and that they can use their activation tactics for the greater good. At Rainbow Collection we guide brands around the world to follow this mission. Recently, we created an overview of Positive Impact Creators: a quick look behind the scenes of meaningful brands around the world. These impact creators are examples of brands that lead the way in creating value for their business, as well as for the world around them. They are all on a clear mission to realize a win-win-win for people, planet and profit.
Brands have the power to make a difference
Everyday we experience the untapped potential of brands and businesses to build a better future and to create positive impact, while boosting their business at the same time. They have the resources and ability to create awareness, reach out to large audiences, change behavior and create impact at scale. But where do you start? As creative strategy agency we often receive questions, such as:
What is the right balance between sustainability and profit? How can I be sustainable while also meeting the commercial needs of consumers and shareholders? How can I make sustainability an integral part of my business? And how do I get everyone on board to make it happen?
This is exactly the reason why we decided to share these stories in a special collectors book presenting a selection of inspiring cases from commercial and social brands about their roadmap towards growing a brand that really matters.
Positive Impact Creators – The Collectors Book
With the Positive Impact Creators book we want to inspire and motivate other brands to have a critical look at their own impact and start turning this into something positive. In the end, the time is now to take the bold and transformative steps that are so urgently needed. By undertaking these steps, we can shift the world onto a more sustainable and resilient path.
Inspired? Learn more
Whether you’re a world-improver at heart or just getting started, it’s about the steps you make towards a better future for yourself and for the world around you. The Positive Impact Creators limited edition book will be launched at the NRC Live Impact Day on February 9. You can find all impact stories on our website.
Do you want to have one of our limited edition books or a digital version? Get you copy now!