Benefit corporations are today’s navigators

Since last November, Rainbow Collection is officially a B Corp! B Lab europe’s goal is redefining success in business. We celebrate becoming part of this growing community. But how do we redefine success in business? And what does being a B Corp mean to us, as impact agency?
A new reality for brands
The movement to use business as a force for good has never been more important than it is today. While we may be waiting a long time for government to lead on positive social and environmental change, we know that the biggest positive impact can come from the private sector: impact from business! Certified B Corporations are already demonstrating that the private sector can create higher quality jobs, stronger communities and a healthier environment today. With growing interest from consumers and support from the markets.
Moving from zero to positive impact
As a B Corp we help brands & businesses to create strategies that not only delight customers but also holistically serve the interest of all stakeholders. That’s how we help brands to lead in the new economy. What is your opportunity for doing good for the world? How do you put your business in favor of the world? Make sure your brand is relevant both today and tomorrow, by growing with the new generation of consumers. By understanding their aspirational mindset, you’ll be resilient for a new world.
Brands as navigators
Even the billion-dollar companies are starting to understand not only the value, but the need of this movement. They are choosing to operate their businesses aligned with this new reality and putting the roots they have in this world, in favor of it. The vote they have in this market enables large-scale impact. Keep track of the B Corp community! Shared and durable prosperity for all, start today with developing market infrastructure and sharing the message of why we are going here.
How do you approach challenge & change with your brand? Get in touch to talk over our positive impact toolkit and discover how we can help you get on board of this movement in 2018.