Sharing insights: The value of internal branding

In February we organized a long-term strategy journey for our client Red Bull. The aim was to slow down, to be able to speed up again. In other words: take a deep breath, count your blessings, celebrate success and co-create a strategy to speed up. This rather unconventional strategy creation, provides some interesting learnings for all of you…
Internal branding is as important as external branding
As often forgotten by great marketers, the value of internal branding is enormous. Because in the end, outstanding marketing starts from within. Once you have the support and ownership within the company, great things might happen. It is vital to the success of all external branding efforts, ensuring employee commitment to company values and an understanding of how to deliver them. Many organizations, however, neglect internal branding.
What lessons were central during our strategy journey and can be of value for you too?
- Internal branding goes beyond communication, to evolving employee behavior and company culture
- Involve employees: create excitement around a central theme to inform, engage and persuade
- Successful internal branding is a journey. It will bind employee commitment to the company and ensure alignment with its values and behavior, helping with recruitment, retention and relationships at every customer touch point.
Embrace these lessons from within your organization and you will notice the value of it soon, as long as you focus, and be patient at the same time.